Nelson Street Art Gallery, Bristol – Roa Fox

I love Nelson Street. I still can’t get over the fact that I actually mean it… after all it is a dour concrete back street in the centre of Bristol. It is home to some of the best street art out there today. I noticed this new piece opposite the old police station:

This is by Roa. Its big, and its ace. In fact here’s a blog post of it being created that I found:

Here’s another shot with a random couple of fellow graf-snappers for scale.

What makes this little story all the better is that just out of shot was a troup of about 30 school kids all with matching back packs being shepherded down the street by their teacher, looking at the art and taking photos. Bless :D

I found out about Roa ( ) After spying another one of his pieces in London a while ago:

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